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Key printing considerations for a growing business

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It’s exciting to see your business growing and it can also create unexpected challenges as you try to anticipate growing pains and find ways to avoid them. Sometimes it’s easy to see what you need to be prepared for and sometimes challenges seem to come from left field.

One of the areas that businesses seldom plan for in advance is how growth will affect printing in the business.

It sounds like a minor concern but printing can eat up more of your operating budget than it needs to unless you have the right processes and solutions in place. Here are seven of the most common challenges growing businesses experience with regard to printing:

1. Increased print volume

As your business grows, it will likely consume more paper and toner because a higher number of employees naturally translates to more printing. Some of these costs are unavoidable and, as your revenue grows, it may not seem like an untenable increase. However, the costs can soon mount up.

It’s important to keep these costs under control because it’s not just the obvious ones like paper and toner you need to watch out for. It’s also hidden costs like energy usage and the wear and tear on your devices.

2. Lack of visibility into printing

As the business gets larger it becomes harder to see who is printing what, and how much they’re printing. While, in the past, it may have been easy to see when someone was printing excessive amounts, now it’s hard to track unless you have specialist software in place.

3. Uncontrolled printer fleet expansion

As more people join the organisation and pressure on print devices increases, it can be tempting to just buy more devices. And, if some staff members have to regularly print sensitive documents, it might seem like a good idea to put a printer on their desk. This can lead to out-of-control spending on your printer fleet with too many devices to maintain.

4. Bad deals on new technology

When your business was small and you only needed a couple of printers, you may have just gone to your local office supply store to buy what you needed. Now that you’re getting bigger, this is no way to manage costs. Depending on the number of printers you need and the type of functionality your business requires, it may make more sense to move to a contract that includes the supply of equipment and support services, known as a managed print service.

5. Increased pressure on the IT department

Your IT department is likely the first port of call when people have issues with their printing. In fact, up to 40 per cent of IT help desk calls can be print-related. This is fine when it’s just a handful of people but, as your business grows, the demands on the IT department will start to become untenable. And, you need your IT staff focused on innovating and helping drive your business growth, not on helping people unjam the printer. So, it makes more sense to outsource your printer support via a managed print services contract.

6. Demand for mobile functionality

Mobility is increasingly important for many businesses and, as your business grows, your staff will likely demand mobile functionality that extends to printing. Your team needs to be able to print wirelessly, from mobile devices, and remotely. And, they’ll need to be able to do it all securely.

7. Increased security risks

Security is no less important for a tiny business than for a large one but, as you grow, you may find yourself more of a target for cyber criminals. The volume of valuable information your company has access to will also grow. So, it’s important to make sure you’re keeping it safe. That includes printer security, especially as printers become more connected and smarter, and retain more information on built-in hard drives.

Finding a solution

While these challenges can seem tricky to overcome, most of them can be addressed with a managed print services (MPS) contract. MPS can deliver cost savings and increased control via:

Improved print management and governance including tracking and allocating print costs, eliminating waste, and reducing overall costs.

Fleet management that ensures you have the right number and type of printers, and that they’re managed and maintained for maximum up-time.

Fewer calls to IT for support, freeing up valuable IT staff for core business activities.

Maintaining proper security with strong protection measures including password protection and hard-drive encryption.

To find out how we can help you manage printing in your growing business, Contact our team today by email at or call 07 55286663.
